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Heat Pump Warranties
Series OTP-Warranties

Every heat pump system comes with a basic warranty:

OTP-E (Eagle), OTP-H (Harmony), OTP-C (Champagne), OTP-O (Olympia), OTP-P (Pacific), OTP-H (Harmony), OTP-MZ (Myriad Plus) and OTP-F (Flexx)

Labour warranty available (sold separately):

OTP-E (Eagle), OTP-H (Harmony)
No labour warranty options is offered for the OTP-E Series (Eagle) and OTP-H (Harmony).

OTP-C (Champagne), OTP-O (Olympia), OTP-P (Pacific), OTP-H (Harmony), OTP-MZ (Myriad Plus) and OTP-F (Flexx)



You have 30 days from the date of installation to register your heat pump system.


Warranty registration   Warranty registration
Consult your registrations   Consult your warranty information
Become a Ouellet certified installer      
Claim form      
Warranty price list
Limited warranty
Guidelines for repairs covered
and not covered:
  Single zone and Multizone Heat Pump

Central Heat Pump

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